WILTA Workshop #1 – Effective Listening, Responding and Speaking As Covid-19 restrictions begin to lift and life slowly begins to return to some normality, WILTA is very excited to be able to announce our first workshop for 2020. We have been given a wonderful opportunity to host this PD at the Wesley College Language Centre which is a unique space designated entirely to language teaching and learning. The PD focus is to promote good and effective LRS pedagogy and explore what makes a successful LRS Language Use task. When: Wednesday 1st July 4.30pm-7.00pm Where: Wesley College Coode St and Angelo St, South Perth Cost: MEMBERS: $15 (Please log into to gain access to members only price) Non-Members: $51.00 (including 2020 WILTA Membership, expiring March 2021) Schedule 4.15pm-- 4.30pm Registration 4.30pm – 4.45pm Welcome to Country (Moorditj Mob language students) 4.45pm – 5.15pm Welcome to Wesley Language Centre by Laura and Grant Wesley College Language Centre Tour with student hosts and nibbles - Explore Flipgrid ideas and the Language Centre space 5.15pm – 5.45pm Panel Discussion Topic: What makes a great and successful speaking task? 5.45pm – 6.30pm LRS focus discussion groups Group 1 – Lower Primary Group 2 – Years 5-8 Group 3 – Years 9-12 Whole group sharing of ideas Launch of Kompetisi Klip Klip Come along and immerse yourself within the creative and inspiring Wesley College Language Centre and experience the amazing world of Flip Grids for yourself. Be inspired, network with colleagues and add a wealth of ideas to your LRS tool kit to use within the classroom and for creating a Kompetisi Klip Klip submission. Check out the Wesley College Language Learning Centre here. https://www.wesley.wa.edu.au/wesleys-new-languages-centre/ Download the Flipgrid App on your phone or device so that you can be fully immersed within the environment. Register by 24th June 2020 for catering purposes.
May 2024