Register now for 2021 WILTA AGM
Register NOW for Term 4 Workshop and AGM
Come and join us for WILTA’s last workshop of the year with a focus on creating and engaging with language.
Ibu Indah Hixson will share how she teaches Indonesian using gesture and sign to help students communicate in Indonesian faster.
Ibu Danielle Cook will share the basics of teaching with Minecraft and its application to the Languages curriculum.
There will also be a sharing session, so please bring along an idea, task or game that you have used to creatively engage your students.
The sessions will be followed by the AGM and a delicious nasi kotak lunch.
Date: Saturday 30 October
Time: 8:30am
Venue: Wesley College Language Centre, Coode St & Angelo St South Perth
Cost: $20 (Member) $56 (Non-Member: Includes Membership until March)
8:30 - Registration
9:00 -Workshop Session 1
9:50 - Workshop Session 2
10:30 - Morning Tea
10:50 - Annual General Meeting
12:00 - Lunch & Networking
Workshop Detail
You can choose to attend from following workshop
1. Minecraft for Language (available session 1 & 2)
2. Sign and Gesture (available session 1 & 2)
3. Games / Sharing (session 1)
4. Viewing and Films (session 2)
Click below to register!
Come and join us for WILTA’s last workshop of the year with a focus on creating and engaging with language.
Ibu Indah Hixson will share how she teaches Indonesian using gesture and sign to help students communicate in Indonesian faster.
Ibu Danielle Cook will share the basics of teaching with Minecraft and its application to the Languages curriculum.
There will also be a sharing session, so please bring along an idea, task or game that you have used to creatively engage your students.
The sessions will be followed by the AGM and a delicious nasi kotak lunch.
Date: Saturday 30 October
Time: 8:30am
Venue: Wesley College Language Centre, Coode St & Angelo St South Perth
Cost: $20 (Member) $56 (Non-Member: Includes Membership until March)
8:30 - Registration
9:00 -Workshop Session 1
9:50 - Workshop Session 2
10:30 - Morning Tea
10:50 - Annual General Meeting
12:00 - Lunch & Networking
Workshop Detail
You can choose to attend from following workshop
1. Minecraft for Language (available session 1 & 2)
2. Sign and Gesture (available session 1 & 2)
3. Games / Sharing (session 1)
4. Viewing and Films (session 2)
Click below to register!