Kabar Baru
Title: Enhancing the Curriculum Cost: Free for WILTA members Where: The Indonesian Consulate (KJRI), 134 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth When: Friday 20/5 2016 2pm-5pm OR 4pm-7pm Contents: Enhancing the Curriculum will be an exhibition-style gathering of incursion and excursion opportunities, resources that can enhance the classroom experience and opportunities for study tours and other partnerships. There will also be free gamelan and wayang workshops for teachers provided by the Consulate and opportunity to dress up in traditional costumes and have your photo taken. Food: The Consulate will provide Indonesian snacks, tea and coffee and some exhibition stalls will also have food available. Schedule: The exhibition will be open from 2pm-7pm, though the schedule is designed so that participants can come in the afternoon (during school hours) OR in the early evening (after school hours). Pak Ade, the Consul General will give a keynote address at 430pm for all participants. Gamelan workshops: 2.30pm, 3.30pm, 5pm, 6pm Wayang workshops: 3pm, 4pm, 5.30pm, 6.30pm The workshops will be for about 8 teachers at a time and you can sign up on the day.Register for "WILTA Workshop Term 2: Beyond the Curriculum". Acara
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